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Different between topside and blade

There is a plethora of choices in meat cuts at the grocery or butcher store, particularly for beef. Tougher cuts of meat are generally less expensive if you are on a budget. Two affordable cuts are topside and blade steaks. There are differences between a topside and a blade steak, though, so a little knowledge is necessary before making a purchase.

Topside Steak
Topside steak is a name for the cut of meat that is often called round steak or cube steak in other parts of the world. It is a tough cut of meat that is used as bait in Australia. If properly tenderized or cooked through long, tenderizing methods it can become tender and delicious. Popular methods include braising, roasting, covering in a layer of fat and slow or pot roasting. Cooking for a long period in a crock pot is another method.

Blade Steak
The blade steak is a part of the chuck area of the cow. The chuck area gets a lot of workout from day to day, therefore the meat from this area tends to be tough. Blade steaks also tend to have quite a bit of fat. As a result, long cooking methods that tenderize the meat over time are the best option to turn this steak into something palatable. Tenderizing in a marinade helps, as does cooking at a very low temperature over several hours instead of fast cooking.

The topside steak differs from the blade steak because topside generally does not come with bones, whereas the blade steak has bones in it. The blade steak is also usually quite fatty while the topside steak is usually lean and may only have a small bit of fat on the edges that is easy to remove. Despite these differences, the two cuts are fairly similar in that they are both tough cuts that must be handled carefully in order to make them tender and juicy for consumption.

Choosing One or the Other
The choice of these two cuts comes down to what dish you want to make. The topside steak is also known as round or cube steak, which is what is used to make chicken fried steak, a Texas dish that is popular in the south. It is tenderized with a mallet, making it easy to cook quickly without having to braise it for hours. Blade steak is great for slow roasting but can also be grilled or pan roasted provided you tenderize it in a marinade first.
Kutipan : ehow.com

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Ditulis oleh: Blogger - 23/02/13

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