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Mengenal aneka Saus



Saus merupakan bahan yg penting, terutama pd masakan asing karena saus inilah yg menentukan & mempertinggi rasa masakan.

Bahan dasar saus umumnya terdiri dr :

Bahan cair, yg berupa air, kaldu, susu atau sari buah.
Pengental, yg bisa berasal dr maezena, terigu atau
Bumbu2, yg membuat suatu jenis saus mempunyai rasa yg

Jenis saus itu sendiri ada 2 macam, yaitu asin dan

SAUS ASIN, terdiri dari 3 macam saus dasar :


Sauce yg berwarna putih susu biasanya dibuat dr campuran mentega/margarin dg tepung dan susu. Biasa dihidangkan dg pasta, rolade atau sayuran.

2. Saus VELOUTE,

Berwarna jernih ini biasanya dibuat dr kaldu berbumbu.


Berwarna coklat terbuat dr campuran mentega/margarin dg terigu yg digoreng sampai berwarna kecoklatan dan diberi kaldu berbumbu. Biasa dihidangkan dg daging atau unggas.



SAUS MANIS, atau biasanya disebut dg vla, dihidangkan bersama



Saus yg berwarna putih dan gurih ini dibuat dg cara
merebus susu cair dg api kecil, lalu masukkan mentega
dan bawang bombay cincang. Sambil diaduk beri garam,
lada dan pala. Setelah mendidih kentalkan dg larutan
terigu lalu saring.

Saus berwarna coklat dan gurih dibuat dg bahan dasar tulang sapi yg telah dipanggang slm 2 jam. Lalu direbus bersama bawang daun, bawang bombay, wortel dan cengkih. Rebus sampai mendidih lalu dikentalkan dg terigu, saring lalu ditambahkan lada dan garam. Dihidangkan utk aneka steak.

Campur dan aduk kuning telur dg krim lalu panaskan dg api kecil, tambahkan saus Bechamel aduk rata, angkat. Lalu taburi dg keju parut. Biasanya digunakan sbg pencelup (dip sauce) aneka sayuran rebus.

Saus khas Inggris yg terkenal dg nama KECAP INGGRIS ini terbuat dr campuran kecap asin, cuka molases, cabai dan rempah lainnya. Citarasanya gurih dan sedikit asam dan berwarna coklat, dijual dlm kemasan botol. Digunakan utk hidangan sup atau saus steak dan jg tumisan ala Cina.

Adalah saus khas Mexico yg terbuat dr cabe merah Mexico.
Nama Tabasco diambil dr nama daerah di Mexico yg merupakan tempat asal merica/lada. Saus ini rasanya
asam, pedas menyengat, berwarna oranye muda dan berbentuk cair. Dijual dlm kemasan botol mungil.

Saus yg dibuat dr campuran tomat merah, bawang bombay dan avokad yg dipotong dadu kecil, dibubuhi cuka dan merica hitam sehingga rasanya asam segar. Dijual dlm
kemasan botol.

Merupakan salah satu jenis saus putih yg dipakai sbg pelengkap (disiram) makanan Italia, khususnya pasta.

Saus yg berbahan dasar mayones, yg dibubuhi saus tomat dan saus cabai. Rasanya paduan manis dan asam segar. Cocok digunakan sbg saus salad. Dijual dlm kemasan

Dapat diperoleh dlm kemasan siap pakai yg dijual dlm botol kaca. Bisa dibuat sendiri :

5 sdm saus tomat dimasak hingga kental bersama 2 sdt gula pasir, 1 sdt garam, 1/4 sdt merica bubuk, 100 cc air dan dikentalkan dg 1/2 sdt maezena yg dilarutkan dg
sedikit air.

Biasa dipakai sebagai topping pizza. Terdiri dr campuran tomat dan bumbu khas Italia. Dijual dlm kemasan botol kaca.

Saus asal Vietnam ini rasanya asin, warnanya kecoklatan. Terbuat dr sejenis ikan kecil dan dikemas dlm botol, dijual di pasar swalayan terkemuka.

Saus khas dr Timur Tengah ini teksturnya kental, terbuat dr wijen sangrai yg dibubuhi bawang putih.
Biasa dipakai utk salad, jg campuran kue atau biskuit.
Dijual dlm kemasan botol di swalayan terkemuka.

Saus khas Mexico. Terbuat dr campuran daging cincang, kacang merah, cabai, paprika dan tomat. Dijual dlm kemasan botol.

Saus khas Jepang yg terbuat dr kecap asin, jahe, kaldu dan mirin. Berwarna coklat kehitaman. Dpt dibuat sendiri dg mencampur : 4 sdm kecap asin, 2 sdm gula
pasir, 1/4 sdt jahe parut, 1 sdm sake & 6 sdm mirin.

Hasil fermentasi kedelai yg dicampur dg rempah2 dan cabai merah. Berwarna kuning kecoklatan, agak kental, bercita rasa pedas manis dan beraroma khas. Dijual dlm kemasan botol. Biasa digunakan pd masakan Cina,

Saus yg terbuat dr buah plum, gula, cuka, kecap dan rempah2. Warnanya merah kecoklatan, rasanya asam gurih. Banyak digunakan pd masakan Cina.
Dijual dlm
kemasan botol kaca.


Knowledge ini dapat digunakan untuk referensi penegnalan saus buat butcher

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Blogger meat knowledge

Parting dan bagian dari ayam

Halo sobat butcher,

Bagaimana kabar anda semua, pasti baik saja kan, selain beef, poultry adalah salah satu produk meat populer, bahkan ada istilah bahwa bangsa Indonesia itu adalah 'chicken lover' atau pecinta ayam. Hal ini wajar sih kalau saya bilang, kita bisa melihat bisnis produk olahan ayam mulai dari mentah hingga siap saji banyak bertebaran.
Dalam bisnis retail fresh pun, ayam atau poultry merupakan contribusi nomor 2 setelah beef atau daging sapi, dan salah satu solusi mendapatkan protein hewani dengan harga yang ekonomis dan masih dapat terjangkau oleh kita semua.

Ada beberapa bagian atau part ayam yang perlu kita ketahui, dan ini adalah knowledge basic yang harus diketahui oleh seorang butcher, diantaranya :

1. Head ( kepala )
Bagian ini jarang dikonsumsi oleh kita, umumnya banyak dipakai resto siap saji untuk soup, karena kepala ayam ini memang nilai ekonomisnya agak sedikit rendah.

2. Sayap ( wing )
Bagian ini populer sekali, banyak resto siap saji yang menyediakan menu dari sayap ayam ini, komposisi daging dengan tulang dapat dikatakan lebih banyak tulang, namun karena lebih mudah disajikan dan tidak terlalu mahal dan juga enak maka banyak digemari.

3. Dada ( breast )
Dari bagian ini, masih ada 2 bagian turunannya, yaitu dada tanpa tulang dan fillet ayam, nilai ekonomis fillet lebih mahal dari pada keduanya. Bagian ini memiliki kandungan protein yang banyak bila dibandingkan bagian ayam yang lain, banyak binaragawan mengkonsumsi bagian ini untuk membangun otot-otot tubuhnya.

4. Paha ( leg )
Bagian ini adalah bagian yang paling favorit dikonsumsi, ada dua bagian dalam paha ini yaitu thigh ( paha atas ) dan drumstick ( paha bawah ), paha bawah lebih difavoritkan daripada paha atas dan banyak resto siap saji yang menggunakan produk ini untuk menu penyajiannya.

5. Kaki ( feet )
Tidak banyak yang dapat digunakan pada bagian ini, namun dipercaya bahwa soup ceker dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan bayi, oleh karena itu banyak yang menggunakan bagian kaki ini untuk soup.

6. Punggung ( backbone )
Bagian ini dominan diisi oleh tulang, namun bagian ini baik sekali untuk soup, atau stok kaldu yang dapat dimix dengan jenis masakan lain.

Blogger meat knowledge

Different between topside and blade

There is a plethora of choices in meat cuts at the grocery or butcher store, particularly for beef. Tougher cuts of meat are generally less expensive if you are on a budget. Two affordable cuts are topside and blade steaks. There are differences between a topside and a blade steak, though, so a little knowledge is necessary before making a purchase.

Topside Steak
Topside steak is a name for the cut of meat that is often called round steak or cube steak in other parts of the world. It is a tough cut of meat that is used as bait in Australia. If properly tenderized or cooked through long, tenderizing methods it can become tender and delicious. Popular methods include braising, roasting, covering in a layer of fat and slow or pot roasting. Cooking for a long period in a crock pot is another method.

Blade Steak
The blade steak is a part of the chuck area of the cow. The chuck area gets a lot of workout from day to day, therefore the meat from this area tends to be tough. Blade steaks also tend to have quite a bit of fat. As a result, long cooking methods that tenderize the meat over time are the best option to turn this steak into something palatable. Tenderizing in a marinade helps, as does cooking at a very low temperature over several hours instead of fast cooking.

The topside steak differs from the blade steak because topside generally does not come with bones, whereas the blade steak has bones in it. The blade steak is also usually quite fatty while the topside steak is usually lean and may only have a small bit of fat on the edges that is easy to remove. Despite these differences, the two cuts are fairly similar in that they are both tough cuts that must be handled carefully in order to make them tender and juicy for consumption.

Choosing One or the Other
The choice of these two cuts comes down to what dish you want to make. The topside steak is also known as round or cube steak, which is what is used to make chicken fried steak, a Texas dish that is popular in the south. It is tenderized with a mallet, making it easy to cook quickly without having to braise it for hours. Blade steak is great for slow roasting but can also be grilled or pan roasted provided you tenderize it in a marinade first.
Kutipan : ehow.com

Blogger meat knowledge

Importir Bantah Jadi Penyebab Harga Daging Sapi Melambung Tinggi

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Pengusaha Importir Daging Indonesia (Aspidi) Thomas Sembiring membatah anggapan para importir daging sapi penyebab mahalnya harga daging di Indonesia. Harga daging sapi di pasar umum yang mencapai Rp 95.000/Kg relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan harga daging sapi kelas premium untuk kebutuhan tertentu.

Thomas menuturkan daging yang diimpor memang mahal, bahkan nilainya mencapai Rp 1 juta per kilogram (kg) untuk kelas tertentu. Daging tersebut bernama wagyu yang berasal dari Australia. Jenis daging sapi sering disebut primer beef wagyu, biasanya harganya paling mahal di restoran steak.

"Ada daging yang harganya Rp 1 juta/kg. Liat di hotel bintang lima, namanya Wagyu. Itu grade-nya 1 sampai 9. Itu dari Australia," ungkap Thomas di Gedung DPR-RI, Senayan, Jumat (22/2/2013).

Thomas menegaskan bahwa daging tersebut tidak akan diberikan ke masyarakat umum. Daging impor, menurutnya hanya akan masuk ke Hotel, Restoran dan katering, termasuk kebutuhan industri.

"Bagaimana kami mengendalikan harga kalau kami nggak boleh jual ke pasar umum. Apa kepentingan saya mengendalikan harga di pasar umum, saya enggak boleh jual," terangnya.

Sehingga, tuduhan Kartel terhadap importir yang memainkan harga di Indonesia, menurutnya tak beralasan. Ia juga mengatakan opini yang menyudutkan para importir hanya dari pihak-pihak yang tidak paham akan kebijakan soal importasi daging sapi.

"Kami tidak boleh jual ke pasar umum, cuma boleh jual ke hotel restoran katering. Ini untuk apa. Makanya mungkin mereka nggak tau bahwa adanya kebijakan itu," pungkasnya.

Dikutip dari : detik.com

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Jenis Daging dan Kandungan Nilai Gizi Serta Manfaatnya

Banyak orang takut mengonsumsi daging merah karena alasan kesehatan. Padahal, jika diolah dengan benar dan tidak berlebihan konsumsi daging merah aman untuk kesehatan.

Malahan daging merupakan sumber protein yang sangat baik. Protein yang terkandung dalam daging memiliki asam amino esensial. Perlu diketahui pula bahwa jumlah protein dalam makanan merupakan ukuran yang penting untuk kualitas diet. Selain itu daging juga mengandung zat besi, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, dan niasin.
Ada beberapa jenis daging yang umum digunakan di hampir semua bagian dunia. Kita bisa mempelajari plus minum masing-masing jenis daging.

- Ayam 
Daging ayam merupakan pilihan yang lezat sebagai alternatif daging merah. Manfaat dari daging ayam meliputi:
- Sumber protein yang kaya. Dalam 100 gm ayam sudah terkandung 60 persen dari nilai kecukupan harian untuk protein.
- Tinggi niasin (vitamin B3) dan vitamin B6. Niasin penting untuk menjaga kesehatan kulit dan sistem saraf. Niasin dan vitamin B6 juga diperlukan dalam metabolisme lemak, karbohidrat dan protein dalam tubuh.
- Sumber mineral dan selenium yang sangat baik. Selenium merupakan komponen penting dari beberapa jalur metabolisme, termasuk metabolisme hormon tiroid, sistem pertahanan antioksidan, dan kekebalan tubuh.
- Dapat disajikan dalam berbagai jenis hidangan.
Makan ayam goreng berlebihan dapat meningkatkan risiko sindrom koroner akut, meningkatkan kolesterol secara signifikan, dan meningkatkan risiko serangan jantung. Batasi diri Anda untuk memakan ayam, minimal dua kali dalam seminggu.
- Ikan :

- Ikan merupakan makanan yang sangat bergizi dan tambahan yang luar biasa untuk diet sehat Anda. Keunggulan ikan meliputi:
- Mengandung protein yang berkualitas tinggi dengan jumlah yang cukup dari semua asam amino esensial, dan rendah lemak.
- Kaya akan asam lemak esensial omega-3 yang memberikan perlindungan terhadap penyakit jantung dan otak.
- Minyak ikan adalah salah satu dari beberapa sumber makanan alami vitamin D.
Minus: Akhir-akhir ini ditemukan merkuri pada beberapa jenis ikan air dingin. Kadar yang tinggi ditemukan dalam ikan besar yang biasanya memakan ikan kecil. Merkuri dapat merusak perkembangan otak.

- Kambing

Inilah jenis daging merah yang dikonsumsi di berbagai bagian dunia. Kelebihan daging kambing adalah:
- Kaya akan protein berkualitas tinggi dan zat besi. Konsumsi daging kambing juga akan meningkatkan penyerapan zat besi nonheme dari makanan nabati. Daging kambing juga kaya akan seng.
Kandungan kolesterolnya tinggi dan tidak memiliki serat. Daging yang sudah diproduksi secara komersial juga mengandung antibiotik, hormon, dan toksin.

- Sapi

Daging sapi dianggap pilihan yang paling populer dari semua daging merah.
- Daging sapi tanpa lemak mengandung 60 persen dari nilai kecukupan harian untuk protein hanya dalam 100 gram.
- Sumber vitamin B12 dan sumber vitamin B6. Vitamin B12 adalah hanya ditemukan dalam produk hewani dan sangat penting untuk metabolisme sel, menjaga sistem saraf yang sehat dan produksi sel darah merah dalam tubuh.
- Daging sapi tanpa lemak memiliki zinc (seng) enam kali lebih tinggi dari pada daging lainnya. Zinc membantu mencegah kerusakan pada dinding pembuluh darah yang berkontribusi terhadap penyempitan pembuluh darah. aterosklerosis.
- Sumber zat besi yang baik serta mengandung selenium dan fosfor.

Minus: Daging sapi mengandung lemak jenuh yang tinggi dan dianggap meningkatkan risiko kanker. Daging sapi yang tidak dimasak dengan benar juga bisa mengundang penyakit. Untuk pilihan terbaik, pilihlah daging sapi organik yang bebas hormon dan antibiotik. Selain itu pilihlah bagian daging tanpa lemak.

- Babi

Meski di negara Muslim daging ini dilarang, tapi di banyak negara daging babi sangat populer.
Kelebihannya: – Daging babi sangat kaya vitamin B6, B12, tiamin, niasin, riboflavin dan Pantothenic acid.
- Daging babi merupakan sumber zat besi yang mudah diserap tubuh daripada zat besi dari sumber daging lainnya vegetarian lainnya. – - Babi juga memiliki kandungan mineral yang tinggi fosfor, selenium, natrium, seng, kalium dan tembaga.
- Dagingnya juga baik untuk kulit, mata, sistem saraf, tulang dan performa mental.
Minus: Tinggi dalam kandungan lemak jenuh. Untuk mengurangi lemaknya, bersihkan daging dari semua lemaknya. Kekurangan lainnya, babi juga tinggi natrium sehingga tidak disarankan untuk orang dengan tekanan darah tinggi (hipertensi)
Blogger meat knowledge

Keistimewaan Daging Kambing

Daging kambing ternyata merupakan makanan yang dipercaya mempunyai khasiat yang lebih tiggi dan istimewa dibanding daging sapi atau domba. Mengapa demikian?

Kandungan Lemak Rendah

Daging kambing sejak dahulu selalu saja dikaitkan dengan lemak yang tinggi, sehingga menyebabkan kolesterol dan hipertensi. Namun anggapan tersebut lebih baik segeralah ditepis, karena ternyata tidak ada bukti bahwa daging kambing mempunyai kandungan lemak terutama lemak jenuh yang lebih tinggi dibandingakan dengan jenis daging merah lainnya.
Sebaliknya penelitian membuktikan bahwa daging (karkas) kambing mempunyai kandungan lemak total yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan karkas domba atau sapi jika dibandingakan pada kondisi yang sama.
Kandungan lemah jenuh daging kambing yang lebih rendah dari pada yang lain sebenarnya dapat dilihat dari kondisi daging setelah daging kambing dimasak, akan terlihat lebih banyak cairan lemak yang keluar menetes.
Hasil analisa menunjukkan bahwa daging kambing memiliki lemak 50% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan daging sapi dan 45% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan daging domba.
Namun demikian sate kambing dan gulai kambing justru kadang menjadi timbunan lemak. Dalam satu tusuk sate biasanya diselipi potongan lemak untuk menambah cita rasa. Demikian juga pada gulai kambing, terselip bahan gulai yang penuh lemak seperti daging tetelan, tulang bersumsum dan ditambah santan.
Dalam 100 gram daging kambing, terdapat 154 kalori, 9,2 mg lemak, 3,6 mg lemak jenuh. Sedangkan, pada 100 gram daging sapi terdapat 207 kalori, 14 mg lemak, dan 51 mg lemak jenuh. Selain itu, daging kambing juga salah satu sumber zat besi, vitamin B, kolin, dan selenium terbaik. Vitamin B akan membantu tubuh membakar lemak, sedangkan kolin dan selenium mampu menangkal kanker.

dikutip dari : suaramerdeka.com

Keistimewaan Daging Sapi Australia

Australia dikenal dengan daging sapi kualitas tinggi.  Daging sapi diolah sedemikian rupa dengan berbagai cara sehingga cocok dikonsumsi anak-anak.
Daging sapi Australia dikenal sangat memperhatikan faktor halal, food safety atau meat safety, serta nutrisi. Australia melakukan ekspor daging ke berbagai negara di dunia dan memberi jaminan ternak mereka bebas dari berbagai penyakit, seperti anthrax, FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) dan BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) atau sapi gila.
Daging sapi Australia memakai sistem traceability dengan menempatkan sebuah chip di telinga kanan sapi ketika lahir. Kegunaan chip  ini adalah untuk mengontrol perkembangan dan kesehatan ternak. Chip bakal mendeteksi  sapi yang sakit.
Anak-anak dinilai sangat cocok mengonsumsi daging sapi asal negara kanguru ini. Daging sapi ini berenergi dan meningkatkan fungsi otak. Ia dapat pula mengatasi infeksi dan memacu semangat.

Proses kerja di RPH Harvey Beef, Australia menggunakan teknologi tingkat tinggi dengan mesin pendeteksi bakteri. Mesin tersebut otomatis menolak bila ada produk daging yang mengandung bakteri.
Karyawan bekerja dengan tingkat sterilisasi yang tinggi, termasuk menggunakan pisau steril.  Tak hanya itu, pengiriman diawasi ketat untuk menjamin  kesegaran daging sampai ketangan konsumen.

sumber : tabloid nova
Blogger meat knowledge

Few breeds of cattle that people search


This is one of the most popular breeds of beef cattle in the United States. These cattle were originally from Northern Scotland
from a very cool and damp climate. They were first imported to the United States in 1873 by George Grant, A native of Scotland, living in Victoria, Kansas. Today most of the great sires of this breed are produced in the United States. These cattle are black, white is not permitted except on the underline behind the navel and then only to a moderate extent. This breed is polled (without horns) and this has contributed to their popularity among breeders. Calves from Angus
cows are usually smaller at birth than from other breeds, but at weaning they are usually equal in weight. Actually the smaller calves give less birth difficulties and therefore less calves are lost. The body form of Angus cattle is smooth, medium in size, trim, adequate in length of side, and well muscled.


These cattle mostly have drooping ears, and instead of a "moo" they produce a grunt. The color is usually gray, but sometimes red. These cattle are known for longevity. They are more upstanding, less compact, and lacking in the smoothness of other breeds. They are resistant to Texas fever, can stand heat well, and are bothered little by insect pests. They can graze on poor quality forage. They also show resistance to cancer eye and pinkeye.


Most of these are in Texas, Louisiana and Florida and are used for crossing purposes. They are used widely in crossbreeding programs. These cattle are light cream colored and are one of the largest of all beef breeds. They are big, long-bodied, heavily muscled animals.

Devon, or Ruby Reds

These are the oldest of all English breeds. They are red in color, skin is yellow and the head supports medium-sized, upward-curving horns that are creamy white with black tips. They are good milkers, producing milk testing about 4.5 percent butterfat and are also good quality beef.


They are native to Scotland, are good rustlers and extremely hardy, able to stand cold weather conditions. They are the smallest of the beef breeds, black in color with long, curly hair. The breed is polled, has short legs, and is block and compact in type.


They are native to England, are easily distinguished by their red-colored bodies and white faces. The accepted color is a rich red with white face, and they are often referred to as "white-faced cattle.". They are muscular, moderate to long in length of side, adequate in length of leg, large in size, trim, and smooth. They are also well developed in the regions of valuable cuts- the back, loin, and hind quarters or round. These cattle are known for their vigor and foraging ability.

Red Angus

The general characteristics are similar to those of the black Aberdeen-Angus since they have the same ancestry, except for color. The Red Angus has a deep red color that is very attractive.

Polled Herefords

This breed has become very popular among breeders who desire the Hereford form but dislike the horns. Polled Hereford originating from registered Hereford stock may be registered in both breed associations. The polled closely resemble their ancestors, the Herefords, with the difference being the absence of horns.

Polled Shorthorn

These were developed by a cross and from naturally polled Shorthorns found in the breed. In form and color the Polled Shorthorns are similar to the Shorthorn except for the polled characteristic.


These originated in northeastern England. This breed was the first to be established in America. In form, Shorthorns are large, rectangular, and well muscled. They range in color from red to white and all combinations of these colors, such as spotted or roan. Shorthorns are well liked by many commercial cattlemen for crossing on other breeds for the production of feeder cattle.

Scotch Highland

These were developed in Scotland and are mostly used for crossing. They are small but exceedingly hardy. They have a long, coarse outer hair coat and a soft, thick undercoat which gives them natural body protection against severe weather conditions. Acceptable colors are black, brindle, light red, red, dun, silver and yellow.


These cattle originated in France. The breed is distinguished by its rich, red-gold color over the back, shading to light buckskin or straw color under the belly and around the legs and muzzle. They are long-bodied, heavy-muscled, trim-middled, and relatively light-boned.


These originated from Switzerland. In color they are light red or cream with faces much like the Herefords. They usually have some white spots on a white band over the shoulders. Because of their size, museling, docile dispositions, and milk production they are popular for beef crossbreeding.


This is an "exotic" breed from France. The coat color is red, red with white spots, or roam. Maine-Anjou cattle are considered larger than any other French breed and are long-bodied as well as heavily muscled. These traits are useful in beef cross-breeding programs.


These cattle originated in Italy for the main purpose of producing meat. They are white with a black switch on the tail. Their skin pigment is uniformly black. They are quite possibly the largest cattle in the world, with many bulls weighing over 4,000 pounds. They are noted for rapid growth and well-marbled, fine-textured meat.

Murray Grey

These are native to Australia, are solid dark to silver gray in color. They are known for their rapid gains, superior carcasses, easy calving, and docile dispositions.

Santa Gertrudis

These were developed in Texas, resulting from crossing Brahman beef-type bulls on beef-type Shorthorns. They are large beef animals, noted for their ability to make large gains on grass and to rustle on areas of sparse forage, and for their tolerance to heat and insects.
Blogger meat knowledge

Fact on beef nutrition

Meat is an important food to meet nutritional needs. In addition to high-quality protein, in the flesh there is also an essential amino acid content is complete and balanced.

Another advantage, meat protein is more easily digested than that derived from vegetable oils. These foods also contain several types of minerals and vitamins.

Humans eat meat since the beginning of the history of human civilization itself. Various types of livestock have been developed for meat, both large livestock (like beef or buffalo) and small livestock (such as sheep, goats, and pigs). In addition to these types of livestock, some other animals can also be used as a source of meat for human consumption. However, most meat is sold beef.

There are several requirements that must be met by the cattle that will be cut in order to obtain good quality meat, namely

(1) livestock must be in good health, free from various types of diseases,
(2) cattle should be well-rested, not abused, and never experience stress for
maximum muscle glycogen content,
(3) slaughter and extravasation should be as fast and as perfect as possible,
(4) how cuts should be hygienic.

Level of elasticity

* Meat is a set of muscles attached to the frame. Distinguished from the term meat carcass. Meat is the part that contains no bone, while the carcass of meat that has not separated from the bones or skeleton.

Quality of meat is influenced by factors before and after cutting. Factors before deduction that can affect the quality of meat is genetic, species, nation, type of livestock, sex, age, and feed additives (hormones, antibiotics, and minerals), and the state of stress.

Factors affecting the cutting quality of the meat is pelayuan methods, cooking methods, the level of acidity (pH) meat, additional materials (including enzyme meat tenderizer), intramuscular fat (marbling), storage and preservation methods, types of muscle meat, and muscle location.

Types of meat can also be distinguished by the age of slaughtered cattle. The beef is cut at a very young age (3-14 weeks) is called veal, the color is very bright. The meat comes from young cattle aged 14-52 weeks is called calf (pedet), while older than one year is called beef.

Based on age, gender, and sexual condition, beef (beef) comes from:

(1) steer (castrated bull before it reaches adult sex),
(2) Heifer (cow, which had never given birth),
(3) cow (adult cow / never given birth),
(4) bull (adult male cattle) and
(5) Stag (castrated bull as an adult).

Meat consists of three main components, namely the muscle tissue (muscle tissue), fat tissue (adipose tissue), and connective tissue (connective tissue). The number of connective tissue that contained in the meat will determine the level of kealotan / violence meat.

Based on physical conditions, meat can be grouped into:

(1) fresh meat without dilayukan or pelayuan,
(2) dilayukan fresh meat and chilled (cold meats),
(3) dilayukan fresh meat, chilled, then frozen (frozen meat) ,
(4) meat cooking,
(5) bacon, and
(6) of processed meat.

More digestible

* The composition of meat is relatively similar to each other, especially the protein content ranging from 15-20 percent of the weight of material.

Proteins are the most important chemical component in the flesh. Protein contained in meat, such as milk and eggs, very high quality, so good to be given to the baby.

Protein is needed for the process of growth, development, and maintenance of your toddler's health. Protein needs of children under five 2-2,5 grams per kilogram of body weight, whereas in adults only 1 gram per kilogram of body weight.

Protein meat more digestible than those derived from vegetable food. Value of high-protein meat due to its essential amino acids complete and balanced.

Essential amino acids are building blocks of proteins that the body must come from food or can not be formed in the body. Completeness of the essential amino acid composition is an important parameter penciri protein quality.

Besides the fresh form (Empal, stews, kebabs, Rawon, rendang, steak), meat can also be consumed in a variety of processed products. For example, corned beef (corned beef), bacon (smoked ham), beef jerky (dried meat), sausage (sausage), meatballs (meat ball), and others.

Due to manufacturing processes and components used spices, some processed products have a better nutritional value than fresh meat. Processed meat products can also be used as an alternative source of animal protein.

Nutrition Ingredients

* In addition to protein-rich, meat also contains kkal/100 energy of 250 g. The amount of energy in the flesh is determined by the intracellular fat content in the muscle fibers, called marbling fat.

Levels of fat in meat ranged between 5-40 percent, depending on the type and species, food, and age of cattle.

Meat also contains cholesterol, although in a relatively lower compared with the guts and brain. Meat cholesterol levels of about 500 grams miligram/100 cholesterol lower than the brain (1800-2000 mg/100 g) or egg yolk cholesterol (1500 mg/100 g).

With health reasons, many people are antipathy toward cholesterol. Such an attitude manifested by avoiding the consumption of cholesterol foods, like meat, eggs, and processed products of milk. In fact, the food materials is a source of nutrients is very good because it is full of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Cholesterol plays an important role in organ function. Cholesterol gall useful to construct the blood, brain tissue, nerve fibers, liver, kidney, and adrenal glands.

In addition, cholesterol is also a basic ingredient of steroid hormone formation, namely progestron, estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. These hormones needed to regulate biological functions and activities of the body. Cholesterol levels are very low in the body can disrupt the process of menstruation and fertility, and even can cause sterility, both men and women.

Therefore, it is not wise if the parents get the baby and toddler cholesterol abstinence. Opinion stating that obesity in infancy and childhood will be carried over to adulthood, is not entirely correct.

So, do not memantang children to eat food sources of cholesterol, only for reasons of fear are obese (overweight). Obesity will only happen if the food consumption of energy resources is given to excess and continuous. Provision of milk, eggs, meat, and fish within normal limits, guaranteed not to cause obesity in infants and toddlers.

Meat is also a source of vitamins and minerals are very good. In general, meat is a source of minerals calcium, phosphorus, and iron, and vitamin B complex (niacin, riboflavin and thiamine), but low levels of vitamin C. Liver better known as offal, contain levels of vitamin A and iron are very high.

Iron is needed by your child for the formation of blood hemoglobin, which is useful to prevent anemia. Anemia will have a bad impact on children, such as sluggish, tired, tired, not excited, and unable to concentrate, and ultimately will lower the learning achievements in school.

Cooking with heat very useful to kill microbes and improve the taste. The process of cooking meat is not too much effect on protein content, as well as several types of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid.

When meat is cooked with water, lots of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that will dissolve in the broth. That is why the stock has enough nutritional value well, so nice to be given to the child.

Flesh Color

* Color is the new beef sliced red usually dark purple. Color changed to light (red cherry) when the meat is left exposed to oxygen.

Purple red color changes to light that is reversible (could return). However, if the meat is exposed to oxygen for too long, bright red color will turn brown.

Myoglobin is purplish-red pigment that determines the color of fresh meat. Myoglobin may be susceptible to changes in shape due to various chemical reactions.

When exposed to air, myoglobin pigment be oxidized to produce oksimioglobin a bright red color. Further oxidation of the pigment oksimioglobin will produce brown metmyoglobin. The emergence of a brown color indicates that the meat has been too long exposed to air, so that becomes damaged.

Veal color brighter than the color of mature beef, as well as more bones pink. Goat meat color is darker (dark red) than the color of beef, pork and the color is red roses.

Besides color, the freshness of meat can also be judged from the appearance of shiny and not pale, does not smell sour or rotten meat or a little stiff elastic (not mushy). If held, still feels kebasahannya, but not sticky on the hands.

Meat Aging Process

* Animals freshly cut meat is pliable and soft, then place the changes that muscle tissue becomes hard, stiff, and not easily moved. This condition is called rigor mortis.

In rigor conditions, the meat becomes more stubborn and harder than when freshly cut. Therefore, if the meat is cooked in a state of rigor, will be tough and not enjoyable. To avoid the meat from the rigor, the meat should be left to complete the rigornya process itself. The process is called the aging process (pelayuan).

Pelayuan is handling fresh meat after slaughter in a way to hang or save for a certain time at temperatures above freezing meat (-1.50 C). The meat we buy at the market or the supermarket is the meat that has undergone a process pelayuan.

During pelayuan, occurs enzyme activity capable of describing woven ikat meat. Meat can become binding on the water, are more tender, and has a stronger flavor.

Meat is usually in the form dilayukan carcass or half carcass. This is done to reduce the surface area that can be infected by microbes.

The purpose of aging meat are:

(1) that the formation of lactic acid from muscle glycogen perfect place that
bacterial growth is inhibited,
(2) expenditure of blood becomes more perfect,
(3) the outer layer of the meat becomes dry, so the decay of microbial contamination
from the outside can arrested,
(4) to obtain meat that has a level of optimum tenderness and flavor characteristic.

Beef carcass dilayukan usually within about 2 × 24 hours. To obtain meat with optimum tenderness and distinctive taste, pelayuan performed at higher temperatures or with longer periods, such as 3-40C temperature for 7-8 days or the temperature of 200C for 40 hours. Can also be done at a temperature of 430C for 24 hours.

To inhibit microbial growth, a process aided by pelayuan ultraviolet light. (Prof. DR. Astawan Made, Lecturer at the Department of Food Technology and Nutrition IPB).

source: depkes.go.id
Blogger meat knowledge

history of Wagyu

The word Wagyu refers to all Japanese beef cattle ('Wa' means Japanese or japanese-style and 'gyu' means cattle).

Cattle were first introduced into Japan in the 2nd century to provide power for the cultivation of rice. Because of the rugged terrain, migration was slow and restricted. Cattle tended to be isolated in small areas and each area had essentially a closed population.

From 1635 to 1868, the cow herd in Japan was officially closed by mandate of the Shogun. And except for a short period during the Meiji Restoration in the late 1800's the national herd has remained closed to this day.

Although,there are reports that most of the cattle were influenced by British and Continental breeds for a few generations nearly 100 years ago. Brown Swiss, Shorthorn, Devon, Simmental, Ayrshire, Korean, Holstein and Angus had been imported by 1887 and impacted today's Wagyu.

Crossbreeding was prominent for several years, but when the price of crossbreds collapsed in 1910 no further crossbreeding was conducted. The result was selection for specific traits determined by region and extensive linebreeding was used to achieve those traits.

The dominant black Wagyu strains are Tottori, Tajima, Shimane, and Okayama. Tajima cattle, bred in the Tajima region, were originally chosen and bred for their heavy forequarters because their primary use was to pull carts.

Photo courtesy of Lone Mountain Cattle, www.lonemountaincattle.com

They tend to be smaller and less heavily muscled than the Tottori breed. Tottori cattle, because they were used as pack animals for the grain industry of the Tottori region, were selected for their size and strength of topline.

The other main "breed" of Wagyu, was developed on the island of Kyushu and are red in colour. As with the blacks, there are two distinct strains-Kochi and Kumamoto. Kochi cattle were strongly influenced by Korean breeding while Kumamoto are believed to have considerable Simmental influence.

The original import of these cattle to the U.S. in 1976 consisted of two Tottori Black Wagyu and two Kumamoto Red Wagyu bulls. That was the only importation of Wagyu into the U.S. until 1993 when two male and three female Tajima cattle were imported and 1994 when 35 male and female cattle consisting of both red and black genetics reached the U.S.

Japan's rugged terrain created isolated pockets in which different breeding and feeding techniques were used. This resulted in distinctly different characteristics which, over the years, led to cattle from the Kobe region becoming a standard for the world in terms of flavor and tenderness. Since then, two decades of research and development have resulted in an eating experience unequaled by any domestically produced beef today. Every bite bespeaks a quality that, until now, was unavailable in this country at an affordable price.

These feeding practices have come about through belief and science, such as feeding the cattle beer. Beer is fed to the cattle during summer months when the interaction of fat cover, temperature and humidity depresses feed intake. Beer seems to stimulate their appetite. It's merely part of the overall management program designed to keep the cattle on feed in the heat of the summer.

They are also known to massage their cattle too. The massaging is done to relieve stress and muscle stiffness. It's believed that the eating quality of the meat is affected positively by keeping the cattle calm and content.

Another practice common amongst Wagyu cattle breeders is the brushing of the cattle coats with Sake, producers in Japan believe that haircoat and softness of skin are related to meat quality. It's believed brushing the haircoat with sake improves the appearance and softness of the animal and is therefore of economic importance.


Wagyu have a coat colour of black or red, their horns are straight to slightly curving forward and start off a whitish colour then darken to black at the end.

They are known for their peaceful temperament, some think that it is because of their history with their special way of being grown.

Wagyu and the specialised growing techniques have given rise to the famous Kobe beef, which is a very tender, very marbled beef carcase.

Wagyu cattle are unusually healthy cattle and readily adapt to a wide range of climatic conditions.
Lower birth weights allow greatest calving ease. 30-40 kg are a representative range of weights for Wagyu calves.
Wagyu cattle are very fertile and most females cycle before twelve months of age. Bulls can reliably service 50% more females than most other breeds.
Wagyu cattle have superior beef conversion and the ability to marble on both grain and pasture feeding. When crossed with other breeds Wagyu increases marbling, improves the quality grade and adds more consistency to carcass quality.


• Carcase Production
• Calving ease
• Marbling
• Fertility
• Softer fat composition: higher ratio of unsaturated fats - flavour
• Quiet temperament
• Meat texture is finer
• Versatile adaptation to environments
• Not excessive back fat
• Early female maturity
• Rib eye Yield


It's fairly easy to make claims about flavour and tenderness because in most cases, those qualities are very subjective. But Kobe Beef America™, Inc., working in conjunction with the food scientists at Washington State University, has compiled quantifiable data to back up the claims.

In research conducted at the University it was learned that on comparable grade basis, where overall palatability, flavor, and tenderness were the main criteria, the American Wagyu out performed all other breeds on a consistent basis.

Shear Testing And Laboratory Trained Test Panels
Tenderness was quantified by using a highly sensitive coring machine to measure shear resistance.

For flavor and palatability, a laboratory - trained taste panel was used in addition to a consumer panel. The findings of these groups confirmed the hypothesis of the food scientists. American Wagyu was judged superior in overall palatability. It also stood "head and shoulders" above the others when the combined characteristics of flavor, tenderness and palatability were considered.
Blogger meat knowledge

White Pomfret..

Fish macropomum (English: Silver Pomfret), Pampus argenteus, often times the main choice for special meals at the bridal table or main table. In amnya terbahagi macropomum fish to two types namely white and black pomfret. White pomfret fish is said to demand a higher proportion of black pomfret.
White pomfret pomfret is also identified with the call of the mirror, flash, white or dueh dueh flunky. He is also called the Silver Pomfret. Pomfret mirror shaped like rombus and slightly convex. Pomfret adults look more broadly mirror and convex. Located in a portion of the eye that looked as though the head continues to lengthen the body.
Although the body of the mirror looking pomfret mouth and eyes wide but a bit small and hujung assembled at the corner portion of the head. Upper and lower jaws may not open with an area.
May also pomfret mirror got its name from the reflection of light from his body and shiny silver. Deria etched line in the body originated from gill to tail mencecah Zon.
When a longer pectoral fin dorsal fin and tail proportional to the curved shape of V. Colors - Body covered with fine scales pomfret mirror white roll and a portion of fins radiating silver-gray color. Sesetengah a portion of his body covered with fine black spots.
Fish Ocean macropomum numerous in Hindi in addition to Africa, Malaysia and Jepun.
Macropomum fish alive and swimming in berkumpulan. Usually at certain seasons pomfret with lots of mirrors may be found. He also said often found in conjunction with the shrimp on the seabed.
Pomfret species in a shoal movement making it an appropriate catch using nets. However he was caught using a fishing pole and can tow.

What is ham?

The cut of meat from a hog's hind leg, generally from the middle of the shank bone to the aitch (hip) bone. The actual length of the cut varies according to the producer. The unprocessed meat is referred to as fresh ham, but most ham goes through a curing process after which it's referred to as cured ham. The final flavor of a ham can be attributed to a combination of many factors. Before the animal is slaughtered, those factors include its breed, the type of feed on which it was raised and the age at which it was slaughtered. Most hogs are fed corn, but animals headed for the gourmet market may have treats such as acorns, beechnuts, chestnuts or peanuts added to their diets. After the hog is slaughtered, the meat is usually cured in one of three ways-dry curing, sweet-pickle curing or injection curing. Dry curing involves salting the surface of the ham thoroughly, then storing it until the salt saturates the meat. This procedure may be repeated several times. Sweet-pickle curing involves immersing the ham in a sweet brine with added seasonings (usually a secret recipe of the producer). If sugar is added to the curing mix the ham may be labeled sugar-cured. Most mass producers of ham use the injection-curing method whereby the ham is injected with brine. This method is sometimes combined with one of the other curing methods. The length of time a ham is cured will affect the final flavor. Most hams for American consumers have a light or mild cure. After curing, a ham may go through a smoking process that adds both flavor and aging capability. The length of time a ham is smoked varies widely depending on the desired result. Those being prepared for the mass market are usually smoked lightly or not at all. Hams for the gourmet palate are more heavily smoked, the process lasting a month or more. The smoked flavor will vary depending on the substance used. Hickory and maple are the woods of preference, and some producers add exotic ingredients such as juniper berries, sage or peat. Once curing and smoking are completed, gourmet hams are usually aged to further develop flavors; most mass-produced hams are not. In some cases, aging can take up to 2 years. Hams are sold in several forms including boneless (with the hip, thigh and shank bones removed), partially boned (with the hip and/or shank bones removed) and bone-in. Since bone contributes flavor to the meat during cooking, most gourmet-ham producers leave some bone in. Hams are marketed in several sizes, the most popular being whole, halves (shank or butt ends only), shank, butt and center-cut slices or steaks ranging in thickness from 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 inch. Whole hams usually weigh from 8 to 18 pounds. Canned hams may either be a whole piece of boneless meat or they may be "formed" from bits and pieces of meat held together with a gelatin mixture. Hams are available fully cooked, partially cooked or uncooked. Those that are fully-cooked are heated to an internal temperature of 148°F or above, partially cooked hams to at least 137°F (which kills the trichina parasite). Uncooked and partially cooked hams must be cooked prior to serving. Fully cooked hams, sometimes labled "heat-and-serve" or "ready-to-eat," do not require additional cooking and may be eaten cold or heated until warm. Carefully check the label for instructions. Most hams sold today are of the mass-produced variety sometimes referred to as "city" or "urban" hams. Higher-quality American hams are generally labeled "country-cured" (or "country-style"). The majority of these "country" hams come from Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia; each region adds its own distinctive style to the ham it produces. Probably the most famous country-cured ham is the smithfield ham from the Virginia town of the same name.
A wide selection of specially cured hams are also imported from many European countries. The most well known are prosciutto from Italy, Germany's westphalian, France's bayonne and the York ham from England. Prosciutto and Westphalian are generally sold in paper-thin slices. When buying a fresh ham, look for one with a firm white layer of fat, with well-marbled lean portion. In younger animals, the meat should be a grayish-pink color; older pork should be a delicate shade of rose. Loosen any packaging material and store the fresh ham in the coldest part of the refrigerator for up to 5 days. When purchasing a cured ham, choose one that's firm and plump. The meat should be finely grained and rosy pink. Refrigerate in the ham's original wrapping or container for up to 1 week. Some country-style hams can be stored in a cool place for 1 to 2 months. Longer storage is possible, but moisture evaporation causes the ham to shrink and toughen. Canned hams should be stored according to label directions. Some require refrigeration; others have been sterilized and do not need to be refrigerated until after they've been opened. Ham slices should be wrapped airtight and refrigerated up to 3 days. Ham can be baked, grilled, sautéed, broiled or simmered. Precooked hams can be eaten without additional cooking. Heavily cured country-style hams, depending on how salty they are, may require scrubbing, then soaking up to 24 hours before cooking. See also culatello; parma ham; picnic ham.

Basic Meat Knowledge

Selamat Sore para Butchers,

Kesempatan kali ini saya akan menyinggung sedikit tentang knowledge basic yang mungkin terlupa dan kadang kala masih terlewatkan :

  1. Hygiene

  2. Sanitasi

  3. Fore Quarter

  4. Middle Quarter

  5. Hind Quarter

Hygiene :

Adalah sikap hidup yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang butcher dalam menjaga kebersihan tubuh dan attribut yang dikenakannya.

Hygiene ini penting, karena tanpa hygieneitas yang baik dari seorang butcher, maka proses handling terhadap produk daging, akan riskan atau rawan terkontaminasi oleh bakteri dan yang lainnya. Sikap hygiene ini haruslah selalu dikonsistenkan dalam kehidupan seorang butcher, karena itu adalah cerminan sikap kerja professionalitas kita dalam handling dan dalam memproses produk.

Sanitasi :

Adalah sikap hidup untuk selalu menjaga kebersihan dan kerapihan dari area kerja dan peralatan kerjanya.

Seorang butcher yang baik, dia akan selalu mengedepankan sanitasi dan juga hygiene, kalau hygiene itu untuk dirinya, maka sanitasi ini untuk peralatan dan area kerjanya.

Professionalitas seorang butcher dapat dinilai salah satunya melalui sanitasi ini, proses sanitasi yang benar juga dapat mempengaruhi proses kerja dan hasil yang didapat.

Fore Quarter :

Adalah bagian karkass sapi yang merupakan bagian depan tubuh sapi mulai dari leher sampai ke tengah dada, contohnya :

  • Blade

  • Chuck

  • Brisket

  • Fore shank

  • Chuck tender

  • Ribs

  • dll

Ciri-ciri dari bagian fore quarter ini adalah :

  • Lemak lebih banyak

  • Nilai ekonomis sedikit ( murah )

  • Hanya cocok untuk long time cooking ( rendang, semur, dll )

  • Bagian daging bertumpuk-tumpuk

Kalau konsumen ingin membuat jenis masakan yang perlu waktu lama dalam pengolahannya, seorang butcher bisa menyarankan dari bagian ini, karena selain murah daging bagian ini memang pas untuk tipe memasak seperti itu.

Middle Quarter :

Adalah bagian karkass sapi mulai dari tengah dada sampai ke seperempat belakang tubuh sapi. Bagian ini adalah bagian yang terbaik dari kualitas daging sapi

contohnya :

  • Sirloin

  • Rib eye

  • Tenderloin

  • Rump

  • dll

Ciri-ciri daging bagian ini adalah :

  • Empuk

  • Juicy

  • Nilai ekonomis tinggi

  • Marbling

Dikarenakan harganya yang agak mahal, maka bagian daging ini umumnya dapat digunakan untuk memasak steak, seperti yang terdapat di restoran ataupun hotel.

Hind Quarter :

Adalah bagian karkass sapi dari seperempat bagian tubuh sapi hingga ke belakang tubuh. Bagian ini sedikit lebih baik kualitasnya jika dibandingkan dengan fore quarter meat.

contoh daging bagian ini :

  • Topside

  • Topround ( knuckle )

  • Silverside

  • Eye round

  • dll

Ciri-ciri daging bagian ini adalah :

  • Tekstur daging agak kering

  • Luas penampang serat agak besar

  • Lemak hanya menutupi permukaan luar saja

  • Nilai ekonomis sedang / tidak terlalu mahal

Daging bagian ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk short time cooking method, seperti oseng-oseng, tumis, soup, empal, dll

Karena harganya yang tidak terlalu mahal, sebagian butcher mengambil daging bagian ini untuk diolah menjadi steak dan mendapatkan harga yang tinggi. Butcher adalah seorang yang konsisten terhadap produk, kita sebaiknya menyarankan apa yang customer perlu dan butuhkan.

Semoga knowledge basic ini dapat bermanfaat dan dapat diimplementasikan di dalam pekerjaan anda.
Blogger meat knowledge

Dunia Butcher

Halo para Butchers,

Dunia butcher identik dengan beef, pork, poultry, seafood, etc. Kalau kita perhatikan dari semuanya itu tampaknya beef lebih dominan dalam dunia butcher, karena beef perlu adanya kesiapan knowledge untuk menguasainya, beside the skills beef adalah merupakan part of the butchers world.

Butcher berbeda dengan tukang daging, butcher identik dengan clean, fresh, and best part of meat.
Disamping itu semua the most important thing is hygiene dan sanitasi.
Mengapa hygiene dan sanitasi memegang peranan penting dalam dunia butchers??

Jawabannya simple, karena dua bagian itu yang menentukan how professional the butcher is. Hubungannya dengan dunia daging apa??, hal itulah yang paling sering jadi sorotan terutama bagi anda yang baru berkecimpung dalam dunia butcher.

Seorang butcher yang memegang teguh arti dari hygiene dan sanitasi akan menjadi modal besar untuk berhasil, disamping skill dan knowledgenya, seorang butcher dituntut untuk mampu mengenali every parts of meat, termasuk beef.

So, jadilah seorang butcher yang handal dan professional.
Blogger Guide

How to cook steaks

Above are the video that showing how to cook steaks. Watch carefully..
Blogger cook

Meat Industry in Indonesia

Halo sobat butcher semua,

Apa kabar kalian semua, sebentar lagi tahun baru 2012, planning apa yang teman-teman butcher rencanakan untuk tahun depan?

Tampaknya trend daging di tahun depan akan semakin bagus, dan gaya hidup masyarakat kitapun sudah mulai mengarah ke pengolahan daging, baik itu sapi, ayam, maupun yang lainnya. Kita harus tahu akan kebutuhan pasar yang sedang digandrungi, kalau kita lihat kilas balik tahun 2011 banyak sekali info tentang daging import yang dibatasi oleh pemerintah, tujuan dan maksudnya baik yaitu ingin mengembangkan industri sapi lokal tanah air.

Namun hal itu tampaknya belum dapat dilakukan, pasalnya industri tanah air belum siap untuk memberikan pasokan daging kepada pasaran dengan harga yang ekonomis dan kualitas yang bagus, belum lagi kesiapan rumah potong hewan yang ada di tanah air, apakah kita bisa untuk memenuhi kuota kebutuhan akan daging sapi di tanah air??

Jawabannya kita bisa dapatkan apabila pemerintah mau dan peduli untuk menjembatani seluruh rumah potong hewan yang ada di tanah air, mulai dari fedlot, kandang, alat potong, dan juga standar lainnya yang diharuskan untuk sebuah rumah potong menjadi layak dan dapat menjadi baik.

Kita akui bahwa industri rumah potong sapi di luar negeri sudah jauh lebih siap dan lebih baik untuk menjadi exportir daging sapi termasuk ke negara-negara muslim dan salah satunya Indonesia.

Kita yakin program pemerintah akan menjadi baik apabila didukung dengan kebijakan yang membantu industri rumah sapi lokal untuk mengembangkan usahanya.

Pelatihan juga penyuluhan secara kesinambungan akan dapat membantu mereka dalam kemajuan kualitasnya, bantuan dana juga dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki standard rumah potong lokal, sehingga kita yakin akan kualitas rumah potong kita.

Selamat tahun baru 2012..

Maju meat Indonesia
Blogger information

Clean is everything for butcher..

Hello the Butchers professional, how are you all, if yesterday we talked about Butchers guide, so this time I tried to discuss the basic from Butchers why it is necessary to hygiene, good sanitation, hygiene and also work areas are also areas pendisplayan.

My friends do not be afraid, a reliable Butcher would have been well aware of what is the meaning of cleanliness for themselves and for society in general. Customers now it is very critical at all, and always just wanted a good quality meat, nice and always in good condition.

We have prepared the Butchers ranch for it and how the solution, not the other is a very good hygiene, especially supermarkets we obtain HACCP certification and ISO 22 000 99 000, which would be considered good kulitas goods when the goods arrived or when the goods will be sold and consumed by customers.

Along with that, so I appeal to you the Butcher of professionals to always maintain the cleanliness of the body and also your equipment from dirt and always maintained your grooming and your service
Blogger Guide

Salmon Breed

Salmon is a kind of sea fish from the Salmonidae family. Other fish that one family with adlaah salmon trout. The difference is that the migration of salmon life compared to trout living. Salmon living in the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

In general, salmon are anadromous species, ie species that migrate to breed. Salmon was born in the waters of fresh water, migrate to the ocean, then return to freshwater to reproduce. There is a belief that the salmon is always returned to the same place where he was born to breed. Research shows that, but the reason why it happened and how the salmon can save the memory is still a mystery.
Life cycle

Salmon returned to the waters of the rushing fresh water to breed. Navigation methods that do may be done with the fish smell. Half of the adult salmon will die within a few days to weeks after breeding.

To put the eggs, the female salmon tail flap to create a low pressure area to pick up gravel in order swept away, creating a gap for him to put the eggs. A gap can accommodate 5000 eggs, cover an area of about 2.8 m2. Egg color varies from orange to red. One or more salmon males and females will close out his sperm into the water to fertilize eggs.

The female salmon then cover the eggs with gravel and then swept off to lay their eggs elsewhere. Female salmon can do as many as seven times before the eggs in her ovaries out. Salmon will die within days after laying. Eggs should be placed under the gravel around the cold water with a good flow as the oxygen supply. High mortality is common in this stage, most of which occurred due predation and changes in water conditions from human activity.

The young salmon stay in freshwater waters are where they were born, for three years before migrating to the ocean. During this period, they are silvery. It is estimated that only 10% of the number of eggs that survived to reach this point.

Salmon spend one to five years before reaching the age of sexual maturity. Adult salmon will return to the place where he was born to breed.